I went yesterday for the third training in Luna. I had a lot of children comming and youngsters as well. A great day with a lot of fun competitions for the two groups that made them eager to fight more fiercly and be apart of the games. 
The project is financed by the european commission and is a part of the program "Youth in Action". 

Next training will hopefully be next Wednesday, but it is still uncertain because of a possible byciclingtrip around Cluj rura

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    peter abildgaard jørgensen

    English version: 
    I am from Denmark and currently volunteering in Romania since 8 months with a program finanzed by the European commission.

    Limba Roman:
    In ultimele 8 luni am fost implicat intr-un proiect finantat de Comisia Europeana prin programul Tineret in Actiune – Serviciul European de Voluntariat, proiect implementat de asociatia Centrul de jocuri Mirakolix in Cluj-Napoca.